Not at all. After having a routine day, I traveled off to the grocery store at 8pm to hit up the 50% off meats that happens daily. In Japan, everything that’s close to expiring gets marked down until they practically give it away before they throw it away...a nice philosophy I’d say.
Anyways...that’s not the story. As soon as I walked into the grocery store, some kid (who I later learned was 32 years old) started staring at me. Now, that in itself isnt ALL that strange in Japan, because being the only foreigner around it happens from time to time. Quite confidently and quickly, this kid came up to me and asked me where I was from...
It began as a friendly conversation. He said he was from Hokkaido, I said hey I love hiking, and I’ve always wanted to go to Hokkaido. Flustered, he pleaded for us to be friends. Before I knew it, he was literally running around the whole supermarket looking for a pen and paper to get my contact information. At this point I thought to myself, either this kid is really enthusiastic, or hes lost his marbles.
(I’m gonna have to make this short or it could go on a while...). He literally followed me through the grocery store....staring at me the whole time...If you ever want to ruin someones food shopping experience, just follow them around, stare at them, and smile like a mad man the whole time.
Then, he invited me to his house. I have no idea why....but I accepted. When we got inside his apartment, I quickly realized the kid was completely bonkers. He asked someone who was in the bath (who I luckily never met) to introduce themself...and they never replied (obviously, right? Who does a self introduction while A) taking a bath, and B) are behind closed doors. He proceeded to shake my hand continuously, time and time again. Anyone who reads this knows I’m not an awkward person ... but... this... was... sooo... awkward.
I told him I had to go home, eat some food, and sleep. Just when I thought I was free, he insisted on walking me home. There was no way I could show this kid where I live, so I (politely) sprinted away from his as fast as possible; hoppin fences and weaving in and out of cars to the safety of my apartment . Just kidding, about half way home I said “here is far enough, thank you”. He shook my hand for another 20 seconds or so, and we parted ways.
Just when Japan starts to get boring, I meet friendly old Tokiharu-san... Thankfully, I’ve got the kids number in my wallet now (along with his age, home address, hometown in Hokkaido, alternative LAN line phone number, and the sushi restaurant that he (washes dishes) at..along with a smiley face). Anytime I start to get the blues in Japan, I’m definitely gonna hit him up for a good time....
Thanks Tokiharu-san, you definitely made my day.
More posts (with photos) comin soon!