Monday, September 20, 2010

Work Paaaartyyyy!

Coming to Japan, the word ENKAI was new to me. It means, "party". I’ve been told a million time that ENKAI’s are the bees knees, and to expect nothing less than Japanese people who work hard and play hard, period.

City Hall hosted an enkai for the small group of us who live in the Izue district. The plan was bowling and yaki-niku (self-grilled BBQ meats). Quite excited the day it arrived, I headed to the bus eager to see what my first ENKAI had to offer.

As we BOARDED the bus, everyone was handed a bag of nuts, and as many beers as they could hold... wow.

At one point I started to sing “The wheels on the bus go round and round”. Everyone was entertained, but A) They weren’t school kids willing to sing nursery rhymes, and B) They had absolutely no idea what I was singing... Oh well, I thought it was pretty perfect. Snap another photo when all else fails?

A 45 minute busride later, 26 adults stumbled off a bus absolutely assholed ready to get their bowl on. May the drunkest man win...

Being....not Japanese... I feel like my alcohol tolerance gave me quite an advantage. I got a turkey right off the bat - 3 strikes in a row... and the crowd goes wild... Knowing that I blew my load early, it was only downhill from there. I ended up bowling a 171, which convincely disposed of the competition. What’s next...All you can drink, all you can eat BBQ meat, YEA!

Food was amazing, beer was amazing, drunk Japanese people were amazing. What’s life without a good ole ENKAI, eh?

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