Monday, March 21, 2011

Lets start from the finish...

After a long, eventful weekend getaway in Kyoto...we ended up here:

A smoky, nasty, internet cafe...

Our train from Kyoto was delayed because an "accident". Which, here in Japan, almost always means someone who decides to jump out in front of a train. Many people I know here who commute everyday on trains have experienced these "jumpers". Its horrible to listen to the stories...

Because of the delay, we missed the last train to Ibara and had to find emergency crash space for the evening. Its 1am, and we're scheduled to hop on a 5:28am train to head back home so I can get to work on time. Certainly an action packed weekend straight to the finish. Not all the action we had hoped for, unfortunately...

Anyways, ill tell the tale of this weekend from end to beginning in the upcoming days. In the meantime... I need to get some shut-eye before I run off to work.

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